Sunday, April 04, 2010

somehow i can't stop worrying and wondering about what everything's going to be like when i go back.

sometimes i feel like a visitor in singapore. there's my home, my family and my friends. but yet it feels like there's no longer a space left for me to fit in in a lot of things. the spaces i've had in places and people's lives have been filled up or moved around.

and its not like i am the same jigsaw puzzle shape i was back then. so that even if the space is left for me, it somehow doesn't fit exactly anymore.

and while i never expected the space to stay there. at the same time, i'm so happy with the odd form i've become (i can hear jeremy sniggering alr), that i refuse to change my puzzle piece so that i can fit right back into the picture again. hell i don't even want to be part of the big picture -.- why can't i be a picture on my own.

too many wandering thoughts. not enough studying. ARGH


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